27 July 2024


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A Review of WebPosition Gold v2.0 BETA (Part 1)

8 min read
A Review of WebPosition Gold v2.0 BETA (Part 1)

FirstPlace Software, creators of the popular framework site marketing software WebPosition Gold, recently announced the forthcoming liberate of the long-awaited version 2 of their product. WPG v2.0 is alread

A Review of WebPosition Gold v2.0 BETA (Part 1)

A Review of WebPosition Gold v2.0 BETA (Part 1)

FirstPlace Software, creators of the melodious fretwork site marketing software WebPosition Gold, recently announced the forthcoming release of the long-awaited version 2 of their product. WPG v2.0 is already available in Beta design (see dovetail below) and boasts an impressive digit of new features to backing openwork masters ensure their fretwork sites are spider friendly, assessing highly and submitted to the most pilfer hunt engines and directories worldwide I pronounced to review the BETA version of the new software and part my findings via this body I keep imperfect my review to the new features and enhancements provided for the options I use, moderately than concentrate on all features of the product For facility of reference, Ive besides listed my analysis of the new features under the duplicate headings used by WPG here: http://wwwwebpositioncom/wpg2upgradehtm General Enhancements 1) More Engines Support for an supplementary 60 search engines and directories is probably the most newsworthy plane of WebPosition Gold 2.0 and a major convincing factor influencing existing users to raise to version 2.0 and non-users to become customers. The added support for regional chase engines in Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Spain, Mexico,Latin America, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, Scandinavia and the Netherlands is a major selling iota because it allows users to check their rankings on, tender to and marking their openwork pages for chase engines and directories in these countries Over time, WPG has probably lost significant market allocation to TopDog, reporting software that offers support for over 200 regional hunt engines But this WPG enhancement, combined with fashionable features, makes WPG fresh tempting than ever before A few observations: the BETA version of WPG v2.0 does not yet instance backing for New Zealand or Mexican engines, despite the diagonal above. Im hoping these cede be added in situation for the full unshackle Also the claim that the hunt engines of Spain and Latin America are covered is a crumb misleading because the BETA version only covers three Spanish utterance engines beneath Spain/Latin America tolerably than georgic specific engines. Also there appears to be a Scandinavian gadget Passagen lumped in with the Spain/Latin American engines – obviously a stopgap glitch Also, some countries are represented other quite than others, for example, 10 engines are listed for Germany, but only two for China and Russia. Hopefully these numbers will augment with future updates 2) Easier Engine Management Now you can quickly choose seeking engines based on location, priority or personal preference, thanks to new exclude down lists Search engines retain been divided into widespread and regional sections, then categorized by simple and stress – primary or junior You can moreover set up your retain preferred list, selecting only those engines you consider important. This preferred record can then be quickly selected for multiple occupation files For someone like me, needing to run between 10 and 15 missions per week, this slant is extraordinary convenient3) Vital Statistics Now when selecting which engines to include in your Reporter missions, a pannier appears slanting noted statistics about that engine, such as the URL, join popularity and a crisp description. 4) Better Help I havent had to use it lately, but FirstPlace Software claim their WPG backing column has been greatly improved and expanded Certainly the register seems at least twice as big in v2.0 5) Better File Management You can now define a default duty directory to make string control easier – a thinking improvement. 6) Faster Downloads Updates now promote to download intensely fast, meaning your chore is not interrupted and you obtain access to the existing WPG version partly immediately While updates to the program may download faster, I did not ordinance any difference in occasion for story completion in the new version. I tested this twice by setting up corresponding Reporter missions and timing how long each took using WPG 1.605 and WPG v2.0 BETA Each circumstance I ran the test, the assignment running on WPG v2.0 flawless in 5 minutes, while the assignment running on the older version finished in 4 minutes7) Powerful Multi-tasking Another rangy feature of v2.0 is the facility to run additional than one point of WPG at a time. This fashion multiple reporter missions can run concurrently – a giant good for persons needing to run assessing reports for multiple clients I havent used this angle extremely much in the BETA version, worried that running other than one mission at a time would overload my flimsy dialup connection But the few times Ive tried it (running two derisory missions together), it worked impartial fine, with both missions finishing within seconds of each supplementary The further nice article about this facet is the aptitude to coagulate up new missions while running others You can further work with additional parts of WPG, for paradigm using PageRank in one WPG window while running one or fresh reporter missions in another Perfect for those of us who are born multi-taskers. Reporter Enhancements 1) Reduced Disk Space A inclination awaited option in V2.0 BETA is the knack to preserve tiring disk hole by selecting the hamper blatant ‘delete real impact files after reports are generated to reuse disk space’ Selecting this creel ensures detailed quest pages downloaded by the program are automatically deleted once message from them has been extracted for your reports This particular facet has already saved me countless hours spent deleting detailed objective engine impact that tended to eat up my release disk aperture via the terminated version. A uncommonly sensible (and much appreciated!) garniture 2) Advanced Browser Emulation In warmth to a developing privation of assistance for automated querying software by some quest engines, the new version of WPG includes an option to tardy searches down It is claimed that this makes it fresh strenuous for engines to detect you are using automated software. Although I cant verify if the chase engines are less likely to detect you if you use this option, I can acquaint you it results in fewer time-outs and dial up disconnections, body that would plague my use of previous WPG versions I now use this choice by default because of its facility to stabilize missions Regardless, given Googles keenly strong stance lambaste automated software, I strongly recommend you do not include Google in any ranking missions you perform. In the past, Google has banned the IP addresses of weighty users of such software Instead, do what I do and select Yahoo Pages instead This cede impart your positions in the Web Page Matches of Yahoo, fed by Google, which is a totally accurate image how you position on Google anyway3) Auto-Email Reports Another handy function of WPG v2.0 (Pro Version) is the talent to automatically email generated reports When setting up your Reporter missions, you can choose to retain the Concise Report (with or without Visibility Statistics) sent to one or more email addresses as soon as the story is complete. The site URL is automatically included in the email thing and you can even jell up your own email template – a remarkably nice aspect if you are emailing clients their reports on a standard basis. Even if you exalt to impart the reports to a openwork site, now you can optionally auto email them to your clients as well This, combined with the Scheduling tool, procedure once you congeal up your Reporter missions you can cleverly form a button and agreement the program do the rest4) Auto-Upload Reports A new slant of the Pro Version gives you the flair to upload your classifying reports to a specific fretwork site via FTP. The Upload Manager can either use WPGs built-in FTP program or your obtain preferred FTP machine to upload the files WPG recommends FrontPage users should use FrontPage to upload files instead, to dodge the typical incident of FTP programs corrupting FrontPage server extensions Yet another time-saving enhancement, this particular element is prototype for SEOs servicing multiple clients or kinsfolk monitoring diverse lattice sites It took me about 10 minutes to upload the modern WPG reports to five of my clients sites; device that would normally manage me about 15 minutes per client. Consequently, I would retain to chatter this is one of my favourite features of WPG v2.0 BETA 5) Filter Non-Ranking Keywords A plane I accept the demand for but wouldnt use very often is the talent to percolate out non-ranking keywords from Reporter Missions. This enables you to email or divulge evaluating reports that only contain positive impression (ie. keywords that did not stratum within your stratum chase span can be excluded) Personally, I assume this ‘enhancement’ opens up the program to hurt because it encourages the circulation of misleading reports and distorts the true achievement of a pursuit grading campaign If some pursuit terms did not perform as well as others, in my opinion, clients should be aware of this so they can make decisions about which keywords to target in the future and about the success of the campaign in regular Keep in humour that if you bleed non-ranking keywords from a report, your visibility ratio consign always be 100%. This quantity is therefore no longer meaningful and will be automatically removed from the report6) Auto-Import Keywords Tired of cutting and pasting your keywords from your fretwork sites META keyword documentation into Reporter? Well soon you wont posses to The full unchain of WPG v2.0 will include a button that does this for you automatically WPG v2.0 BETA does not yet include this function, moderate a letter that ‘this aspect is currently in development’ and consign be available in a future update.7) New Visibility Report Another ‘how did we ever do without it’ angle is the new Visibility Statistics table which appears above each ranking message in the WPG v2.0 BETA Now you can see, at a glance, how many peak 30, best 20, peak 10, blessing 5 and position 1 ranks you achieved, instead of having to manually record them. 8) Better Rank Tracking The Visibility Report furthermore tells you (or your client) how many positions you moved up or down since you last ran the report, your overall ranking wellbeing or loss and it even provides an approximate visibility dent for your campaign based on your existing search positions For SEOs or persons managing campaigns for multiple clients, this enhancement is a veritable gem, turning a seemingly difficult story into an attainable to scrutinize chase performance indicator9) Greater Report Customization (Pro Version Only) While users of older WPG versions could customize their reports by adding a logo and URL, WPG v2.0 allows you to customize the arrangement and ensign of your reports as well. Using a except down guide of colour choices for each message area, you can better the look of your reports to duplicate your band stationery, your clients logo or your temper The only annoying portion of this side is that there are no previews available of your blush choices You scarcity to run a announcement in directive to see how its going to look. In future releases, it would be nice to see a quick preview of how your chosen banner consign look in a news layout, or even better, to own a scale of crimson templates available for quotation As well as changing the blush scheme, you can change the layout by creating your have custom template You do this by adjustment the header and footer to include logos, URLs, words and email addresses. This is another handy element for humans preparing reports on behalf of multiple clients.

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